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Looking Forward to New Science Standards, Process and Advocating for Feedback - Webinar

  • September 20, 2022
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Zoom
Tuesday, September 20: Looking Forward to New Science Standards, Process and Advocating for Feedback

Join us for discussions and information about the process in writing and selection of the new science standards, which is currently in process at the state level. Attendees will engage with three different speakers each with different input on how teachers can be a part of the process in reviewing the standards and providing feedback.

  • Dr. Charles Aiken,  DPI’s  Section Chief for Math, Science, will talk about the timeline and process of adopting new science standards.
  • Brian Maccarelli, Science Specialist for Buncombe County Schools, will discuss how to review the standards to make sure they align with the science framework and are appropriate for specific courses and grade levels.
  • Manley Midgett, past president of NCSLA, and education instructor at Meredith College, will be letting members know how we can best advocate for all teachers having input in this process so the writing team has feedback to help guide their writing decisions towards a final draft.



About us

NCSLA provides opportunities for science educators to exchange ideas and information, promote the cause of quality science instruction, and influence the creation of policies and legislation.



Donations to the Ernest R. Bibby Trust Fund are tax deductible and help insure that NCSLA programs and services are ongoing.
Goal: $1,000.00
Collected: $150.00
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