The NCSLA Herman Gatling Award for Outstanding Science Education Leadership in North Carolina award goes to the person who has exemplified the high standards the late Herman Gatling of Durham County set in his job and in his life. This award recognizes the recipient as the outstanding science education leader in the state of North Carolina. Herman was given the first award posthumously in 1989; his wife, Emma, accepted his award on behalf of the family. This annual award is sponsored by the Carolina Biological Supply Company.
The recipient of the Gatling Award should be one who has gone above and beyond the requirements of the workplace and provided outstanding leadership and service to science education at the district, regional, and state levels and beyond. The award is presented at the time of the Fall NCSLA membership meeting.
Learn more and submit a nomination.
Registration will be available soon.
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The North Carolina Science Leadership Association (NCSLA) is partnering with the Center of Excellence for Research, Teaching and Learning (CERTL) at the Wake Forest School of Medicine to provide a 3-day workshop this summer. The workshop is designed to provide K-12 teachers with inquiry-based lessons in Problem-Based Learning that integrate science, math, language arts and other areas of the curriculum.
Upon Completion of the workshop, participants
For questions or further information contact Manley Midgett at or 919-218-7917.
NCSLA Annually gives a Michael C. Jackson Distinguished Service Award to the person who has performed a great service to science education in North Carolina. The award is sponsored by ExploreLearning and is presented a the Spring Meeting.
It’s not too early to begin thinking about how you can take an active leadership role in NCSLA. How can you use your strengths and talents to promote teachers, students, and community organization involved in promoting science education in North Carolina? Step up and help lead the way!
While there is a President’s Chain, a Board of Directors, and an Executive Director to provide guidance and leadership for NCSLA, the heart of our organization resides in the work accomplished by our many committee members. Whether it is planning events, growing membership, writing the newsletter, or advocating for science education for all, the committee chairs and their members are the ones who make NCSLA a viable organization.
Learn more and submit an appliction
NCSLA provides opportunities for science educators to exchange ideas and information, promote the cause of quality science instruction, and influence the creation of policies and legislation.