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Integrating the Science & Engineering Practices into Your Science Curriculum

  • February 07, 2023
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM (EST)
  • Webinar

Registration is closed

In part three of NCSLA's 2022-2023 webinar series, we will continue looking at the process of adopting new standards. Looking at the draft of the new standards, it's apparent the Science and Engineering Practices will be one of the biggest changes for teachers as they navigate the new standards. Our guest speaker, Kat Francher, program specialist for the Smithsonian Science Education Center will detail  what the practices mean and how to integrate them into the standards.



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NCSLA provides opportunities for science educators to exchange ideas and information, promote the cause of quality science instruction, and influence the creation of policies and legislation.



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Collected: $150.00
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